In this segment of our Romans series, ZEALOUS RELIGIOUS (WORKS-BASED) SYSTEMS OF SALVATION and JOEL OSTEEN’S COMPROMISE OF THE GOSPEL are exposed under the brilliant light of God’s Word.
In Romans 10:2-4, the Apostle Paul says that his fellow countrymen of Israel are bound up in a religious zeal that is founded upon a false confidence in works-based righteousness, while being ignorant of the righteousness of God that comes by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Joel Osteen and his wife were guests on Larry King Live, on June 20, 2005. Throughout the interview Mr. Osteen consistently failed to answer Larry King’s questions with sound Biblical doctrine. His greatest error was to say that Jews and Muslims that deny Christ, in actuality, “love God” and will not be condemned on the Day of Judgment. The pastor of the largest (30,000) congregation in the United States, denied the Gospel of Jesus Christ and directly contradicted Paul’s Gospel teaching in Romans 10:2-4. This sermon contains many quotes from the transcript made available by CNN at to illustrate the ecumenical compromise of the Gospel so prevalent in the church today, and to warn the Body of Christ that Joel Osteen’s winning smile and smooth delivery is the sugar that helps the poisonous medicine of much false teaching to go down. We must stand firmly upon the rock of Jesus Christ and His glorious Gospel, for love of God, the Church and the lost.