The Curse of Ham, Slavery, Racism, Wokism, Social Justice, and BLM in America

The Bible cancels both the KKK and the BLM movement. The Bible is the solution to the evil of racism and the evil of the baby genocide promoting, Planned Parenthood partnering, police hating, racism fostering, Communism facilitating, Black Lives Matter movement. The Biblical worldview of America’s founding fathers is what made America the greatest, freest, most prosperous nation for men and women of every skin color and creed on the planet. The idea that America suffers from systemic racism is a fiction easily refuted by the reality of what’s taking place at our border right now. People of color are fleeing from their nations of color and breaking into America because they know there is infinitely more freedom, opportunity, law and order, justice, and wealth available in America. The Black Lives Matter movement isn’t about racial equality…it’s about creating a race war to facilitate unrest and the opportunity for social upheaval and Socialist reconstruction of our society. The founders of BLM are self-confessing Marxists. The ANTIFA/BLM army that has been occupying and destroying our cities, assaulting and murdering innocent citizens, and maiming and murdering police officers is backed by the Democratic Party and the mainstream Leftist media…it’s their army implementing their Communist will on America with the Communist sickle and hammer emblazoned on their flags, on their t-shirts, and spray painted on their black combat shields and helmets. We are experiencing a Communist insurrection, not racial reconciliation and justice for all. The Word of God preached pulpit and street to all men, of all hues, in every place cancels racism, slavery, Communism, sin, death, and Hell.
