Our Holy Creator God authoritatively declares the depravity of mankind in this text. It is essential to the individual sinner and humanity as a whole that we declare and submit to the truth of Scripture regarding our total depravity. Humanism has popularized the concept of mankind being basically good. Psychology has replaced mankind’s fundamental problem of sin with a much more comfortable diagnosis of sickness. The Lord says that we are, “all under sin.” The Lord Jesus Christ rebukes the lukewarm church of Laodicea in Rev 3:17 with these words, “Knowest not that thou art wretched?” They were naked in their sins and utterly confident of their OWN INNATE RIGHTEOUSNESS. While having a form of godliness they had lost the power of CHRIST’S RIGHTEOUSNESS IMPUTED THROUGH FAITH FOR THE SALVATION OF SOULS. A thorough knowledge of the sinfulness of man is the foundational truth for the church and the world.