Biblically Addressing Alistair Begg’s Moral and Theological Capitulation

“Do not receive an accusation against an elder except from two or three witnesses. Those who are sinning rebuke in the presence of all, that the rest also may fear.” -1 Timothy 5:19-20

Why preach this sermon? Why bring public correction to a 70 year old Scottish gentleman preacher with an amazing accent and widely trusted, global Bible teaching ministry? Why warn and exhort our local church, Christian leaders, pastors, and the body of Christ at large? Here’s why. Alistair Begg used his widely trusted, highly influential, global, Truth for Life ministry to open the hellish Pandora’s box door of Romans 1:18-32 LGBT apostasy in the conservative, Biblical, Reformed, Christian world. He capitulated morally and theologically on the battlefield where Satan is fighting most fiercely against the precious lives and souls of girls, boys, women, and men. He has refused to recant his teaching. He has doubled and tripled down in his defense of his moral and theological capitulation…accusing pastors and and Christians who have brought correction to him of being Pharisees who very likely have the same sexual perversion in their own hearts that they would like to act upon. Alistair Begg’s capitulation and accusational defense will have far reaching affects on the Church as a whole; individual churches; pastors; grandparents; parents; children; and girls, boys, women, and men who are perishing under Satan’s global LGBT rebellion and deception. Every pastor should be speaking to this issue with full 1 Timothy 5:19 strength and clarity. May God be pleased to grant Alistair Begg repentance and to protect His Church from Alistair’s evil counsel.
