Exchanging the Truth of God for a Lie

This message confronts and exposes the widespread "same-sex attracted Christian" deception and hurricane-force wind of abomination blowing through Evangelicalism's pulpits, churches, denominations, and conferences. J.D. Greear, Sam Allberry, and Jackie Hill Perry are shown to be actively exchanging the truth of God for a dangerous "same-sex attracted" lie. The Gospel Coalition's compromising council members (Albert Mohler, Russel Moore, Mark Dever, Thabiti Anyabwile, Ligon Duncan, David Platt, Tim Keller, H.B. Charles, and John Piper) have elevated Sam Allberry and Jackie Hill Perry as their TGC spokespersons for social justice for the so-called "same-sex attracted Christian." Others are lending credibility through partnering in ministry and sharing the pulpit at Gospel Coalition, Together for the Gospel, and other conferences. Pastor John MacArthur, a man I look to as my foremost mentor and arguably the Charles Spurgeon of our generation, has many of these compromised men lined up to preach at Shepherds' Conference and is currently scheduled to share a pulpit in August with Jackie...

The Homosexual Litmus Test

THE HOMOSEXUAL LITMUS TEST: Individual Christians, Churches, and denominations are being tested by the homosexual movement. This message will challenge you, encourage you, and equip you for the litmus test of our day. It starts in Genesis and ends in Revelation. If you love the Word of God and the God of the Word it will bless you, if you don't, it will make you mad...and bless you still. *The homosexual litmus test of the world: Are you a bigot? Are you a religious zealot? Are you a monster? Do you really want your job? Do you really want to be my friend? Do you really want to be part of mainstream society? *The homosexual litmus test of the church: Is Christ actually your Lord? Are you a genuine Christian? Are you in a genuine church? Are you a genuine denomination, school, college, seminary for and of Christ?

Doubly Unashamed

In "Doubly Unashamed" the Reformation ax of Romans 1:16-17 is laid to the rotten tree of sacrament & idolatry known as Roman Catholicism...one more time.