Chuck O’Neal is the Pastor of One:16 Bible Church. Formerly an atheist, Pastor Chuck came to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ while reading a Gideon New Testament during Marine Corps boot camp in 1990. During his six year service in the Marines, the Lord opened the door for Pastor Chuck to teach the Word of God, proclaim the Gospel, and distribute Bibles all over the world. As a 20-year-old Corporal, at the request of a Navy Chaplain, he preached his first Sunday sermon on the forward deck of the USS New Orleans. His second sermon was an open-air Gospel message from a Gideon N.T. on the beach of Mogadishu, Somalia, just days after the “Black Hawk Down” tragedy.
After the Marine Corps, Pastor Chuck and his family moved to Portland, OR, with the purpose of reaching the Pacific Northwest with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His pastoral focus has been to edify the saints and reach the lost through verse by verse expositional preaching and the public proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. From 2007-2009, Sola Scriptura, a daily radio ministry on KPDQ, broadcast Pastor Chuck’s messages to the greater Portland area. Pastor Chuck regularly leads the church in door-to-door witnessing, open-air Gospel preaching, and abortion clinic evangelism-rescue ministry. His Great Commission conviction is that it is the privilege and duty of every Christian to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, and that every pastor is called to lead the church in “do[ing] the work of an evangelist” (2 Tim 4:5).
Pastor Chuck and his wife Tonya have four children and five grandchild.