Stephen Hawking said:
“I think the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, according to the laws of science…If you accept, as I do, that the laws of nature are fixed, then it doesn’t take long to ask: What role is there for God?”
We need to ask our atheistic, naturalistic, materialistic, big bang cosmologist friends a few vital questions. What exactly do you mean by “nothing?” By nothing do you mean absolutely nothing, or do you actually mean something? And who created and fixed these laws of nature you keep talking about?
You see Hawking was an avid believer in and champion of the Big Bang theory. He believed the universe began by exploding suddenly out of an ultra-dense singularity smaller than an atom — and that’s not nothing. He believed that from this speck emerged all the matter, energy and empty space that the universe would ever contain — and a speck isn’t nothing, a speck from which everything in the universe supposedly emerged is definitely something! He believed all that raw material that emerged from the speck of something evolved into the cosmos we perceive today by following a strict set of scientific laws — and that’s not nothing either, that’s a preexisting strict set of laws — and where do you get a strict set of scientific laws without a Law Giver? In Hawking’s conclusion to the first chapter of his final book, he wrote, “We have this one life to appreciate the grand design of the universe, and for that I am extremely grateful.” Saints, you don’t have the near infinite design evident everywhere in our universe without the Grand Designer of Genesis chapter 1 who created the sun, moon, and the stars also…and He called them all by name!