Postdiluvian Sin and Betrayal

Here we have the record of a fresh start for mankind marred by the sins of drunkenness and dishonor of father. Mankind’s sin has been wiped from the earth! Only the godly Noah (the preacher of righteousness), his three godly sons, and their godly wives remain. All that remains of mankind comes forth from the ark full of faith in the one true God and a healthy fear. It’s a bit like graduation day for a homeschooling family or the tale of a Christian commune set apart from all corrupting influence…but to our horror…we find that sin yet remained in these saints of old and that sin quickly ripped their family apart. There is no perfect environment. There is no perfect family. There is only a fallen world with fallen sinners desperate for the amazing grace of God in Jesus Christ!!! It shouldn’t shock you that the scientific evidence coming forth in the study of genetic code points back to the Genesis account of a recent creation, a recent and real Adam and Eve, and a recent worldwide global flood that wiped out all of mankind except Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth! Genesis 9:19 stands as God’s inerrant Word with or without the aid of mankind’s errant science, but it seems our scientific observations in the field of DNA actually point solidly back to God’s record in Genesis of a recent Adam and Eve (roughly 6,000 years ago) and a global flood (approximately 4,500 years ago) that bottlenecked the genetic code down to the three sons of Noah and their wives from which the whole earth was populated. God’s Word is true from Genesis to Revelation!
