Communism and Communist insurrection are evil! The Democratic Party and their co-conspirators in the press are actually right. On 9/11 we shouldn’t just look back to the threat of Islamic terrorism. We should be deeply concerned about the very real threat of domestic terrorism and fascism from within the United States. Only the domestic terrorists and fascist tyrants are Leftist insurrectionists masquerading as the President, Vice President, and Democratic Party leaders…not America loving, Constitution loving, freedom loving, 1st Amendment loving, 2nd Amendment loving, God loving, Bible loving, Church loving, 2 gender loving, Biblical marriage loving, parental rights loving, unborn child loving, born child genital mutilation hating, Jesus loving Americans!
The Democratic Party is beating war drums. Their constant “civil war” rhetoric isn’t just rhetorical. They started by calling us “deplorables,” then “xenophobes,” then “white supremacists,” then “domestic terrorists,” then “White Christian Nationalists,” and now “fascists.” They mean to advance their anti-God, anti-Bible, anti-America Communist/Globalist agenda by marginalizing, criminalizing, arresting, imprisoning, fining, impoverishing, confiscating property, and taking parental rights from their opposition. Their messaging is remarkably similar to the German Nationalist Socialist Party’s messaging before the infamous night of the broken glass (Nov. 9th, 1938) when the cold war against Jews and political dissidents went hot. How are Christians to respond to the real evil and present danger of Communism and Communist insurrection? Listen in and find out!