by ONE:16 BIBLE CHURCH PDX | Sep 17, 2022 | Genesis, Sermon, Sermons
Like the armies of Israel cowering before Giant Goliath, much of the professing Christian church is cowering before Giant Atheism and his brothers (Giant Naturalism, Giant Big Bang Cosmology, and Giant Evolution) with the inspired, inerrant, preserved, omnipotent,...
by ONE:16 BIBLE CHURCH PDX | Sep 17, 2022 | Genesis, Sermon, Sermons
It’s long past time that we place the mythological shoe on the right foot. Many have errantly bowed to Naturalism, Big Bang Cosmology, and Evolution as facts and allowed the mythological shoe to be put on Genesis 1-11. Naturalism, Big Bang Cosmology, and...
by ONE:16 BIBLE CHURCH PDX | Sep 17, 2022 | Genesis, Sermon, Sermons
Believing Genesis is not optional. Rejecting a literal Genesis and replacing it with Big Bang Cosmology and Darwinian Evolution is to reject Jesus Christ’s literal interpretation of Genesis and to embrace Satan’s favorite Bible study hermeneutic,...