The Divorce Dilemma Part 2

In “The Divorce Dilemma -part 2” we continue to deal with the controversial and painful subject that has become a problem of epidemic proportion in our culture and within the church. In this message, you will find absolute truth for a relativistic world on the...

The Divorce Dilemma

In “The Divorce Dilemma” we deal with a controversial and painful subject that has become a problem of epidemic proportion in our culture and within the church. In this message, you will find absolute truth for a relativistic world on the indissoluble union of a man...

Emancipation’s Enslavement

Christians are emancipated from sin and death to then live for righteousness. We once were slaves of sin and are now to be slaves of righteousness. The Spirit of God works with the commands of God contained in Word of God to produce holiness in the believer. This...